Internal News

Asl ‘s union celebrated the children national day – Jun 1st, 2014 for children of ASL group ’s staffs

Asl ‘s union celebrated the children's national day – Jun 1st, 2014 for children of ASL group ’s staffs

“Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future”

-          John F. Kennedy

On 9 AM May 31st, 2014 at ASL Group, the Union celebrated “the International Children day” for children of employees in order to meet, enjoy, and be awarded for their hard studying and earning high results in school.



With 35 children in total, ranging from 2 to 18 years old been rewarded, 10 of them have been titled as schools’outstanding students and 15 of them have received “well-behaved child” at kindergarten.



The ceremony was really getting hot when kids participated in activities like puzzles, talent competition, and sharing tips for better studying. These children had a truly meaningful and happy day. With the exciting ambiance, hope that they will have more enthusiasm to attain higher achievements for the next following years.

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