Internal News


Jan 14, 2023

This is an annual activity for people who are in difficult circumstances in the area and is also one of the key activities of ASL Logistics when Spring comes.

At the Tet gift-giving ceremony, there were ASL Logistics leaders including Mr. Vo Tan Tinh - Deputy General Director, Mr. Vo Van Hien - Director of Domestic Transportation, Ms. Tran Thi Huong - Accountant Chief and Mr. Pham Minh Cuong -representative of the government of Lai Thieu - Commander of the Military Command of Lai Thieu ward.

"Although the material value is not great, each gift given comes from the kindness and affection of the BOD, ASL Logistics people would like to share it with you. With the desire to bring the best, for less fortunate lives to enjoy Spring,", shared by Mr.Vo Tan Tinh, at the program.

Through many years of implementing the program "CONNECTING, SENDING SHARE" ASL Logistics has contributed to taking care of hundreds of less fortunate people in the Lai Thieu locality to have a fuller Tet, spreading love to relatives, help them have conditions to enjoy Spring.

“This is a special concern, a great encouragement to help people in difficult circumstances gain more confidence, overcome guilt, strive to study, learn a trade, work hard to practice morality, to become good citizens, useful to society," affirmed by Mr. Pham Minh Cuong

ASL Logistics always spends a part of its budget on charity activities, supporting people in difficult circumstances not only in the Lai Thieu ward but also actively participating in charity activities with the criterion of "helping yourself-helping people". Participate in volunteer activities in other localities to share difficulties and bring warmth and happiness to people to increase their faith, will, and energy.
