Internal News


26 February 2024

On August 24, 2023, ASL Logistics conducted a regular training course for new employees on the topics of "ASL Logistics Integration Training" and "ISO - 5S - KAIZEN". The aim was to help employees understand the operational processes and activities of the company in general, as well as the role of each individual within the ASL Logistics team specifically.

The training session was conducted by Ms. Tran Thi Huong, Head of Finance & Accounting Department and ISO Head, and Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan, Human Resources Specialist. During the training session, Ms. Tran Thi Huong expressed the desire for new employees to grasp ISO 9001:2015 well, minimizing errors that may occur during the job execution process. Additionally, understanding and effectively implementing "Seiri - Seiton - Seiso - Seiketsu - Shitsuke" within 5S - Kaizen to optimize time, energy, and equipment for the most efficient operation of the facility. This helps the company strengthen and enhance its image and credibility with customers and partners.

The training session also demonstrated the special attention from the company's leadership in training employees, caring for their mental well-being, and always listening to and supporting employees from their initial days with the company.

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